Sunday, 5 February 2012

Do you work harder than your boss?

As hard as this may be to believe for some of us, our bosses actually work harder than we do in nine out of ten cases!
Yes, its true according to data recently gathered as part of a Galaxy poll of 800 working Australians. The poll revealed that 90% of higher income bracket employees work harder, and will often perform overtime hours with no extra reimbursement compared to the lower income brackets.
80% of workers that were earning less than $50,000 per annum said that they had worked overtime hours, however of the 80% surveyed only one third of them went unpaid for these extra hours.

Nearly all of the respondents surveyed who earn in excess of $70,000 per annum reported that they regularly go 'above and beyond' what is stated in their job description, and what is typically expected of them for no extra monetary compensation for their extra time and effort. With the national Australian wage sitting at $67,891, the figures suggest that to be ahead of the rest, one must be prepared to go that extra mile!

This notion was reinforced with 50% of respondents also reporting that work prevented them from spending enough time with their friends and family during the week, and also prevented them from completing the level of exercise that they would hope to complete over the course of a week.

A far cry from the stereotypical boss who sits at his desk with his feet up all day, and a reminder to us all that nothing pays better than good old fashioned hard work!

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